Child Therapy
Many children go through a time in life when they seem to struggle in school and at home. For some children, these changes may seem to come out of the blue. For other children, they are a response to transitions such as the birth of a sibling, divorce, a move, or a death in the family. If children experience emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, they frequently are more able to heal from this event with the help of a therapist.
We work with parents of child clients in a team approach to child therapy. This means that parents are a resource in their child’s treatment, and we assist parents with parenting concerns as needed, meeting without the child in monthly sessions separate from the child’s weekly sessions. In parent meetings, the parents help the therapist assess progress and continued challenges, and the therapist offers ideas and new skills in the face of old patterns and challenging behaviors. The therapist may also discuss referrals for the family to other services such as support groups, socialization groups, or counseling for other family members.
We provide individual counseling and ongoing psychotherapy for children exhibiting one or more of the following:
irritability in the child’s mood
defiance, e.g. refusing to follow the rules, “talking back”
an increase in physical or verbal fighting at home or at school
sadness and isolation
a lack of interest in things they used to enjoy
sleeping and eating problems
problems focusing on their school work
regression to an earlier developmental stage, e.g. bedwetting, etc.
an increase in fears and worries
avoidance of specific places, people, or things
excessive clinging and difficulty separating from a parent or caretaker
difficulty with transitions such as going from home to school, leaving play dates, etc.
repetitive behaviors that severely impact the child or family
Child-Centered Care
The treatment for these children involves a combination of play therapy, expressive arts, sandplay therapy, verbal therapy, and a child-centered, yet active, approach. The therapist creates a free and protected space for the child to explore complex material in an environment that feels non-threatening. The therapist uses carefully chosen play materials to encourage identifying and expressing feelings.
The therapist interacts actively with the child within the context of the child’s imagination and symbolic play. The therapist thus learns about the meaning behind the child’s challenges and can offer new skills and experiences to the child when faced with complicated feelings, fears, or self-sabotaging patterns.
You have the power to create lasting change
If you're in a position to give, your abundance can uplift those who aren't. Every contribution supports hope, healing, and transformation.